General Physician in Zirakpur

Diabetes: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention for Better Life

General Physician in Zirakpur

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that happens when the body is unable to regulate blood glucose levels. The irregularity in Blood glucose can happen due to various reasons. The foremost reason is that the pancreas is not able to produce insulin to control blood glucose levels. The other can be the pancreas is working well while the body is unable to use the insulin produced by the pancreas. In both scenarios, the body becomes the victim of Diabetes compelling you to see a diabetes doctor in Zirakpur or elsewhere. Here in the blog, we will discuss a few of the remedies, preventions, and exercises to help you get back on track.

What Causes Diabetes?

Diabetes causes an elevated blood sugar level in your body. However there are many reasons for rising blood sugar levels in your blood and it depends on the type of diabetes. Let’s discuss them one by one.

  • Insulin resistance: Type 2 diabetes generally results from insulin resistance. The insulin is produced from the pancreas but not treated by the muscles, fat and liver as it must be. Some of the factors responsible for varying degrees of insulin resistance include obesity, no physical activity, food intake, hormonal imbalances, certain medications, and genetics.
  • Autoimmune disease: It is the condition in which the body’s immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells and adversely affects the insulin level. Type 1 diabetes and LADA happen due to this reason. The full form of LADA is Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults and slowly gets worse over time.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: During Pregnancy, the placenta secretes hormones that cause insulin resistance. It may develop gestational diabetes. Other hormone-related conditions such as acromegaly and cushing syndrome can also cause Type 2 diabetes.
  • Pancreatic damage: Pancreas is the gland that produces the insulin for the regulation of blood sugar in the body. Any damage to the Pancreas affects its ability to make insulin which results in Type 3c diabetes.
  • Genetic mutations: Sometimes diabetes is a consequence of just genetics. Diabetes that happens through genetic issues are MODY and neonatal diabetes. The MODY stands for Maturity-onset diabetes of the young. It is a diabetes found in juveniles however shows the effect as it occurred in adults.

If you are living in Chandigarh you can see Dr. Prabhleen Chawla, diabetes doctor in Zirakpur, for the best prescription for your diabetic condition. She has years of experience in dealing with diabetes to offer you a healthy living.

Diabetic Statistics

Indian Stats:

  • 77 million people above 18 years are suffering from type2 diabetes
  • 25 million are at a higher risk of developing diabetes in the near future
  • More than 50% of the people are unaware of their diabetic status

International Stats:

  • 10.5% of the adult population between 20 and 79 years has diabetes with half of them unaware of their diabetic condition.
  • It is estimated by 2045, 1 in every 8 adults will be diabetic, which would be a rise of 46%.

Symptoms of Diabetes

  • Increased thirst (polydipsia) and dry mouth.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Physical or Mental Fatigue.
  • Your vision is getting blurred.
  • Unexplained weight loss in the body.
  • Numbness or tingling in your hands or feet.
  • Slow-healing cuts, sores, or injuries.
  • Frequent skin and/or vaginal yeast infections.

Exercises, Prevention, and Remedies to Prevent Diabetes

How could I Prevent Diabetes?

Diabetes can happen through autoimmune and genetics and these types can’t be prevented. Autoimmune is a kind of diabetes in which a patient’s immune system starts to attack insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. But you can follow a few steps to lower your risk for developing prediabetics, Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes.

  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet. 
  • Try to be physically active for at least 30 minutes a day to maintain an agile body.
  • Achieve a healthy weight as per your age and height.
  • Avoid stress or tension.
  • Say no to alcohol intake if not possible then limit its consumption.
  • Sleep adequately typically for 7 to 9 hours. If facing a sleep disorder, seek treatment as soon as possible.
  • Leave smoking.
  • Take Medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider to manage existing risk factors for heart disease.


It is important to note that you can’t manage some risk factors like genetics/family history, age, and race.

Final Sayings

In the blog, we have talked about what diabetes is, its causes, and possible prevention and remedies for a healthy life. The different types of diabetes have different reasons behind its occurrence. Taking proper sleep, and doing at least half an hour of physical activity are some of the remedies for preventing diabetes and continuing to live a healthy life. Moreover, if you have been caught by diabetes are advised to see a doctor for better assessment and prescription for your condition. If you live nearby Chandigarh can visit Dr. Chawla skin and medicine clinic for the best diabetes doctor in Zirakpur. They are available from 11 AM to 8 PM. You can book your appointment online too to avoid unnecessary queues.

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